Tiny tots of kinderjoys evolve with cheerful learning through play - Montessori, stories and a bundle of more fun galore within a short passage of time.

Embarking intellectual journey with phonological learning, numeracy logic, concepts in science - explore, experiments, field visits with fun and play.

Metacognition involved learning through highly well rounded and learning scientific temper, productive work excellence and foundational IIT/NEET programs.

Senior Secondary
Career focused with more long sessions into improving self, more responsible task of a fully ready to perform with focused IIT/NEET programs.

About Our School
The inner power and formulating energy of Veeta Varsity will flow in to the heart and soul of every student even in its first step itself. The building of the inner strength cannot be exposed verbally but only when it is experienced. The school is not an ordinary place of learning but it is the very dwelling habitation of the power of knowledge. There are umpteen number of chances in life but only one way is there to reach the shore of knowledge and that starts from Veeta Varsity. The evolution of children and the changes that follow will give immense satisfaction to each parent. The method of teaching that is followed in the Veeta Varsity will inspire the students to break open the doors of hidden knowledge besides sharpening the inventive brain to dash forward to achieve victories in the most natural way. The goal of Veeta Varsity is to guide, inspire and make the students realize completely their potentialities.

The following are the broader thrust areas which Veeta Varsity concentrates.
1. To mould world class citizens.
2. To prepare the learners in order to create ‘a brave new world’.
3. To instil every child leadership qualities, self confidence, discipline and to acquire human qualities.
4. To make every child develop an inner urge to evolve and transform the world around him.

Apply for Admission
Admissions open for Academic Year 2023 - 2024
Success is the end of competition – Competition is the root of success” , The educational system that we envisage is unique in itself as the chief end of it is to make a man a man. Education transforms. It creates, it propels and a human being evolve.
What Parent's Say